Food Truck Blog: Just Bloggin Along

Morning Routines are Important for your Business!

When I had a job at an office I would begin every morning the same. Get up, stretch, scratch, stumbled into the kitchen, make a pot of coffee, then stumbled to the bathroom to take care of the three es's, Sh*t, Shave, Shower, then wander back into the kitchen, grab a cup of coffee, sit down at the table and turn on the TV to watch the morning news.  While I sat watching the news and drinking my coffee I would check my emails in case an international customer sent one over night.  I also took the time to login to our social media accounts and leave updates like scheduled Server Maintance.  I knew that once I got to the office and started working I would forget to respond to emails and update social media.

Morning routines are essential for every business owner as well.  As a Food Truck owner you need to update social media and apps like to let your customers know where you are and what's on the menu for today, unless, your business plan calls for walk up traffic as your only form of advertising.

Before you even fire up the grill your return customers should already know where you will be for lunch and new customers who are looking for a certain cuisine close by should already know that you're an option.  If you didn't take the time when you had it at the breakfast table, you are losing out on business because once you fire up that grill the internet is the last thing on your mind!


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